Photographic Study Collection

Spanning the history of photography, this collection brings together examples of ambrotypes, daguerreotypes, tintypes, cased photographs, stereographs, photographic postcards, silver gelatin prints, and more. The topics covered in the collection primarily focus on the general history of the American West.

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Procession of Indians on horses
Procession of Indians on horses
Nellie May Sherwood is probably the photographer who used a Brownie camera, is probably the wife of a missionary, and is the sister of Lucy Whitten. Postcard postmarked at Browning Mont. on Aug 24, 1912 to Miss Lucy Whitten, Muzette, Pa. "Browning, Mont. Dear Lucy,- No doubt you are now enjoying the C.M. Wish I could be there. I was glad to attend one in Col. just three days. I got so much help. Keep praying for me. Matt. 23:12. N.M.S."
Progressive Party "Pass Prosperity Around" Charter Membership Certificate 1912 Campaign
Progressive Party "Pass Prosperity Around" Charter Membership Certificate 1912 Campaign
"This is a receipt for one dollar contributed to the campaign fund of the Progressive Party" "And, friends, with all my heart and soul, with every particle of high purpose that there is in me, I pledge you my word to do everything I can, to put every particle of courage, of common sense, and of strength that I have at your disposal, and to endeavor, so far as strength is given me, to life up to the obligations you have put upon me, and to endeavor to carry out in the interests of our whole people the policies to which you have today solemnly dedicated yourselves to the millions of men and women for whom you speak. Theodore Roosevelt." "Enlisting as I have in that contest for humanity that desired governmentally to make men better rather than to make men richer. There is no question, of course but that of necessity I must accept any place where I may be drafted and that I accept such a place as you have accorded me in the Nation's history today--Because again you are making history in this land-- that I accept it with grateful heart and with the utmost singleness of purpose to carry out as well as I may the little that may be my part to do. Hiram W. Johnson"
Prospecting for gold, Indian Gardens, Grand Canyon of Arizona
Prospecting for gold, Indian Gardens, Grand Canyon of Arizona
Forms part of Grand Canyon of Arizona Through the Stereoscope box set
Queen "Betty" Bond
Queen "Betty" Bond
Bond is holding "Sam Jackson Trophy" Card is adressed to Mr. and Mrs Bruner. Message written message on back says: Happy dayse are here again from...Pendleton Oregon Hello Mrs. Bruner wish you were with us. Mrs....
