Bern Gregory Rodeo Photographs

The Bern Gregory Rodeo Photographs Collection contains photographs taken by Bern Gregory between 1958-1988. Gregory traveled to rodeos around the nation, totaling 22 different states and 98 different rodeo venues. A large portion of the images focus on events, including bull riding, bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, barrel racing, steer wrestling, calf roping, team roping, and steer roping.


Andy Dobie on Come Apart
Andy Dobie on Come Apart
St. Louis, Roll G, 08-16 to 19-1979
Andy Dobie on Come Apart
Andy Dobie on Come Apart
St. Louis, Roll G, 08-16 to 19-1979
Andy Dobie on Lost Pride
Andy Dobie on Lost Pride
St. Louis, Roll C, 08-16 to 19-1979
Andy Dobie on Lost Pride
Andy Dobie on Lost Pride
St. Louis, Roll C, 08-16 to 19-1979
Andy Ely Bull riding
Andy Ely Bull riding
East Dubuque, Roll B
Andy Gonzales on Bull #60
Andy Gonzales on Bull #60
Ft. Leonard Wood, Roll B
Andy Gonzales on Bull #9
Andy Gonzales on Bull #9
Cassville, Roll A, 06-26-70
Andy Gonzales on Bull #9
Andy Gonzales on Bull #9
Cassville, Roll A, 06-26-70
Andy Gonzales on Weasel
Andy Gonzales on Weasel
Steamboat Springs, Roll B, 07-03 to 05-1976, 1st Perf
Andy Gonzales on Weasel
Andy Gonzales on Weasel
Steamboat Springs, Roll B, 07-03 to 05-1976, 1st Perf
Andy Hamaker on Alkali Flats
Andy Hamaker on Alkali Flats
Wichita, Roll J, 10-05 to 08-198, 4th Perf.
Andy Hamaker on Alkali Flats
Andy Hamaker on Alkali Flats
Wichita, Roll E, 10-16 to 19-1980
