DeVere Helfrich Rodeo Photographs

The DeVere Helfrich Rodeo Photographs Collection contains photographs taken by John DeVere Helfrich between 1939-1967. A portion of these photographs are attributed to Helfrich's wife, Helen Reed Helfrich.


Benny Reynolds  SW
Benny Reynolds SW
December 29, 1960 "4th Go"
Benny Reynolds  SW
Benny Reynolds SW
January 01, 1961 "10th Go" (Nite)
Benny Reynolds  SW
Benny Reynolds SW
October 28, 1961 Cow Palace (Matinee)
Benny Reynolds  SW
Benny Reynolds SW
January 19, 1962 (Friday Afternoon)
Benny Reynolds  informal
Benny Reynolds informal
October 30, 1961 Cow Palace (Mon. Nite)
Benny Reynolds  informal
Benny Reynolds informal
October 30, 1961 Cow Palace (Mon. Nite)
Benny Reynolds  informal
Benny Reynolds informal
October 30, 1961 Cow Palace (Mon. Nite)
Benny Reynolds  informal
Benny Reynolds informal
October 30, 1961 Cow Palace (Mon. Nite)
Benny Reynolds  pose
Benny Reynolds pose
November 08, 1958 "Cow Palace"
Benny Reynolds  standing by Wagon
Benny Reynolds standing by Wagon
November 08, 1958 "Cow Palace"
Benny Reynolds &  ?
Benny Reynolds & ?
January 16, 1967 "RCA Rodeo"
Benny Reynolds &  ?
Benny Reynolds & ?
January 16, 1967 "RCA Rodeo"
