DeVere Helfrich Rodeo Photographs

The DeVere Helfrich Rodeo Photographs Collection contains photographs taken by John DeVere Helfrich between 1939-1967. A portion of these photographs are attributed to Helfrich's wife, Helen Reed Helfrich.


Berenice Bolen Barrel Racing
Berenice Bolen Barrel Racing
February 21, 1963
Berkeley A. Davis  (Informal)
Berkeley A. Davis (Informal)
September 11, 1947
Berms Johnson on Sentinel Butte  (F)
Berms Johnson on Sentinel Butte (F)
December 09, 1962 "8th Round Bareback Riding" (Nite)
Bernadette Cabral
Bernadette Cabral
May 04, 1947
Bernard Gregg on Apache
Bernard Gregg on Apache
August 09, 1961
Bernard Gregg on Wild Bill
Bernard Gregg on Wild Bill
August 10, 1961
Bernard Moon  (Pose)
Bernard Moon (Pose)
January 18, 1956 "Denver - National Western" (Wednesday Afternoon)
Bernard Moon off Blue Bell
Bernard Moon off Blue Bell
February 20, 1954
Bernice Bolen
Bernice Bolen
February 10, 1962
Bernice Bolen
Bernice Bolen
February 10, 1962
