This collection contains postcards and photographs. Images relate to various rodeo events and scenes from different cities, including Chicago, Tucson, and many others.

- Cowboys

- Cowboys & Cow-Girls Frontier Park

- Cowboys at Sacramento State Fair

- Crater Lake Klamath Co. Ore.

- Dollarhide Trestle, Shasta Route

- Elks Club, Salinas, Cal.

- Ely, Nev. (La Magia tres el cajon)

- Entrance, U.S.Y., Chicago

- Exchange Building U.S.Y. Chicago

- Farnam Street looking east, Omaha, Neb

- Fish Cut, Wyo., on U.P.R.R.

- G. Cotton, H. Boeridse, J. E. Breen, Chicago July 1st 1908