Search results

(152,461 - 152,480 of 152,880)


[Single portrait of a young Women]
Center Geo. W. Beck, the Leader & "Pinto"
Buck Jones and Silver Buck
[Chet Byers mounted, a detail from 2001.036.158]
Stillwater, Paving Lewis Street
[Single portrait of a young Boy]
[Chet Byers doing a five man catch]
Robert Stack
[Unidentified conference]
Bill Elliot in "Overland with Kit Carson"
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 1]
Bill Elliot
[Single portrait of two young people]
Western 18 Will Hutchins as Sugarfoot
Tom Mix in No Man's Gold, Wm. Fox Prod.
Jesse James stages a daring getaway after a bold hold up
Ernest Tubb
Tom Mix, F. B. O. star, makes daring rescue with Tony
Noreen Nash
