Search results

(152,401 - 152,420 of 152,694)


Smokie Snyder on "Webfoot" Pendleton Round-Up, 1928 (19)
Rose of Cimarron
Trampus & Girl Singing  -  Doug McClure & Marion Hall
Jim Houston on Geronimo  (U)
The Lawless Breed
Britt & Jean Galloway
Jack Roddy with horse & Walt Linderman
Paul Mayo on Moonshine  (K)
"Copyright 1915" "R.R. Doubleday"
Dale Huddleston  SW
Gary Tucker on Pale Face  (McKee)
Rage at Dawn
Flappers in cowboy costumes
Donna Cain
A Distant Trumpet
Irwin on "Light Foot"
Hugh Strickland's Horse Turns a Somersault, Weiser Round-up
R.C.A. Booth and Eddie Costell
