Search results

(61 - 80 of 1,634)


[Single portrait of adult Female]
[Carte de Visite multiple portraits of young Male adult]
Single portrait of adult Female, Mrs. H.W. Shepherd sitting
[Single portrait of an aged Female]
[Single portrait of young Boy wearing a two piece suit]
[Single portrait of people and a dead person]
[Single portrait of an Infant]
[Single portrait of aged Female]
[Photograph of a photograph of single portrait of Wantland's Mother & Father]
Saddle #132
[Single portrait of young Female]
[Carte de Visite single portrait of an young Boy standing & leaning on chair]
[Single portrait of two young Afro-American people]
Olive Branch Rebekahs, Lodge No. 25, F.L.T.
[Single portrait of young Female]
[Single portrait of an adult Man]
[Single portrait of a young Women]
Stillwater, Paving Lewis Street
[Single portrait of a young Boy]
[Single portrait of two young people]
