Search results

(132,701 - 132,720 of 152,535)


Carlis Bartholomew Steer wrestling
Buck Rutherford on Painted Lady
Kenneth Muir off #53
[Unidentified Standing cowgirl spinning rope loop above her head with timer clock behind]
Dave Appleton on Gold Rush
[Unidentified cowboy riding bronc]
Ross Rianda Calf roping
Tom Neill on Black Hills
Awards presentation, unidentified participants
Bob Henry off Bull #8
[Group of five unidentified cowgirls on horseback in line near press box of grandstand]
Awards presentation, participants unknown
Diane Newell  (Pose)
Parade, along trial in Raymondtown, MO
Don Thompson off Bald Hornet
Ken Hargis on "Carrie Nation" Okla. State Fair
Jim Slack on Painted Hills
Rodeo clown Jim Bob Feller specialty act
Chas. Kenney Calf roping
Hale  (Informal)
