Search results

(6,081 - 6,100 of 6,211)


Harley May on Blackhills
Bob Mayo on Pretty Sox
Larry Rice on Billy The Kid
Leonard McCravey on Waffles
Clyde Vamvoras on Unlucky
Everett Bowman & Dale Smith  (R.C.A. Award)
Kenny Pinnt on Hightower
Larry Larum on Hurricane Hank
Buddy Young on Upside Down
David Thompson on Shoemake  (K-S)
Billy Weeks on Little Morgan
Jack Sparrock on Deerfoot
Larry Mahan on Puzzle
Bob Berger on Knott Inn
Milt Graham & Richard Nixon
Lawrence Simmons on Snake Pit
Jackie Wright on Rainbow
Gary Tucker on Steel Dust
Bill Nelson on Whiz Bang
John W. Jones Steer Wrestling
