Search results

(2,441 - 2,460 of 2,589)


Eileen Seeley & Helen Covey
Dick Adkins on Humpy
Daryl Hobdey on Cueball
Flaxie Fletcher & Cowboy Hall of Fame Booth
Jerry Hixon on Squaw Creek  (BB)
Larry Mahan & Wally Raymond
Tom Tyree on Whiz Bang  (V)
Les Garcia
Leonard McCravey on Blackhills  (BB)
Howard Manuel on Gunslinger
Flaxie Fletcher & Cowboy Hall of Fame Booth
Bernis Johnson on Red Pepper  (V)
Jack Roddy with horse & Jim Bynum
Ronnie Rossen and Gov. Love
Chet Morrison off Calsomine
Jack Roddy with horse & Walt Linderman
Gary Tucker on Pale Face  (McKee)
R.C.A. Booth and Eddie Costell
