Search results

(821 - 839 of 839)


Cowgirls at Milk Fund Rodeo St. Louis, MO.
Bertha Blancett on Eagle, Pendleton Round-Up
Greenough-Rand wedding party
[Cowgirls at Milk Fund Rodeo, St. Louis, MO]
Vera McGinnis, Bonnie McCarroll, Prairie Rose, Florence Hughes: Cowgirls Garden City Round-Up
[Some of the Cowgirls at Johnson's Rodeo Harlingen, Tex.]
Vera McGinnis, Bonnie McCarroll, Prairie Rose, Florence Hughes: Cowgirls Garden City Round-Up
Nettie Hawn on Salty, Frontier Days, Walla Walla, WA
Prairie Rose on "I'm Gone" "Stampede" New York City 1916
Madison Square Gardens
Mayme Stroud Trick Riding, Belle Fourche Tri-State Round-Up
[Seven rodeo cowgirls on horseback]
101 Ranch - Helen Gibson
Eight Cowgirls [applied title]
