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(41 - 60 of 113)


Chapel Dedication
[Horse-drawn fire wagon with firemen]
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
[Children on horse team pulling wagon with other children]
Will Rogers Shrine Colo. Springs Will Jr., Jim
[India Legion of Honor men with auto between them]
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Chapel Dedication
[Penrose making speech at Dedication of Will Rogers Shrine of the Sun]
[Indian man and boy standing in front of tipi]
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
[Indian woman facing audience and television camera and mobile unit- rear view]
[Military squad marching]
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
[Indian women and men walking behind the Museum]
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies - Atmosphere
Chapel Dedication
[Pair of male Indian dancers with singers/drummers & tipi in background]
[Indians preparing to dance with tipis behind]
