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(1 - 20 of 20)
Levelling the former site of the Washington Hotel, Seattle
Higgins Hotel, Glen Rock, Wyoming
Stillwater, Nichols Hotel
1071 - Glacier Park Hotel, Glacier National Park
Stillwater, Nichols Hotel
Riva, Parco Hotel Lido, Lago di Garda
Chicago Sheraton Hotel landscape photos
Chicago Sheraton Hotel landscape photos
Chicago Sheraton Hotel landscape photos
Chicago Sheraton Hotel landscape photos
Run 1893 "The Strip"
San Viglio, Lago di Garda
Chicago Sheraton Hotel landscape photos
Chicago Sheraton Hotel interior photos
[Adams Hotel, Muskogee, Indian Territory street scene]
Passo di Rolle--Cimon della Pala
Many Glacier Hotel lobby
"Palace Hotel"
"Commercial Hotel" Howard Cawood, crippled boy
"Commercial Hotel" Howard Cawood, crippled boy