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(81 - 100 of 152)


Chu-ar-ru-um-peak Shooting a Rabbit
[Coyote hunters near Eustis, Nebraska]
Two hunters posing with firearms
Two Hunters with double barrel shotguns
Sheridan buffalo hunter's home
Untitled pen and ink drawing of a hunter with two dogs
A solid pull. Up-hill work.
[Hunters with wagon and stacked rifles]
Bear hunters of the North West--Big Game.
Hunter posing with double barreled shotgun
Down Dakota Way
"Skinning the Cat"--a wild cat--How they do it in Colorado. U.S.A.
Buckskin dressed cowboy
[Hunter with game hook belt, rifle, game and hunting dog]
108. "Here's Meat that'll put Leather on Ye."
Yosemite Valley, California, U.S.A. / Valle de Yosemite, California, E.U. de A.
