Search results

(1 - 20 of 90)


Mule team in East Texas Oil Fields
[Mule hitched to Grist Mill]
[Mules standing by adobe building]
[Mule Pack team, rider and automobile on road]
Big Horn hunting scene #21
Pinky Gist & Freckles
General Crook and his mule "Apache"
Pinky Gist Cowboy Clown
Dance of the May Charlie Shultz & Danger
Pinkey Gist Famous Rodeo Clown
Pinkey Gist Famous Cowboy Clown
"Hoover" & John Lindsey
Tom Hunt & "May West" Bob Follett Rodeo
John Lindsey and "Hoover"
Jimmie Nesbitt Famous Cowboy & Clown
Pinky Gist Famous Cowboy Clown
Unidentified Mule Team
