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(1 - 20 of 419)


[Three older men on horseback riding down crowded city street with other riders far ahead]
[Unidentified Cowboy and Cowgirl on horseback & side by side leading group of others down street]
[Majorettes lead Teague High School Marching Band down city street followed by others]
[Group of mounted cowboys moving down street in parade]
[Cowboys on horseback riding down spectator crowded street]
[Two cowgirls with flags lead group of riders down city street in front of "City Drug Co."]
[Unidentified Cowboy on horse followed by mounted cowboys parading down trolley car tracks]
[Unidentified Cowgirl atop horse in western clothing and feathered headdress on street in parade]
[Single unidentified cowboy leads parade down city street]
[Four-horse team pulling stagecoach with men & women in 19th century dress aboard]
[Two men in business suits and hats talking and riding in a limousine]
[Pairs of mounted riders, both cowboys & cowgirls, parading down street]
[Pair of cowboys bearing flags and leading marching band down street]
[Two unidentified cowgirls on horseback followed by other riders in front of corner drugstore]
[Young Cowboy on horseback bearing American Flag is followed other riders on downtown street]
[Line of unidentified cowboys, cowgirls & children on ponies trail riding]
[Two unidentified cowgirls atop horses leading a parade followed by several cowboys]
