Search results

(1 - 20 of 22)


[Single portrait of a person]
[An unknown city location]
[Single portrait of two people]
[Single portrait of an unknown city location]
[Single portrait of a child in a buggy]
[Single portrait of people in a tree]
[Single portrait of people]
[Single portrait of a person]
[Single portrait of two people]
[Single portrait of a person]
[Single portrait of people in a rural setting]
[Single portrait of an Oklahoma A&M cadet]
[Single portrait of a person]
[Single portrait of an Oklahoma A&M cadet]
[Single portrait of two children]
[Single portrait of an Oklahoma A&M cadets]
H. M. Wantland At the People's Gallery Makes the Best Photographs [Wantland Advertisement]
[Single portrait of an aerial view of Oklahoma A&M]
Get Your Enlarge of Pict. Of Wantland No Agent Necesary [sic] [Wantland Advertisement]
H. M. Wantland for Photoes [sic] West side of North Main St. [Wantland Advertisement]
