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(461 - 480 of 480)


Stillwater - People's Studio
[Single portrait of a person and a child]
Cow Palace "Marquee"
Turk and Sally's Wedding
Pan Pacific Show
Albert K. Mitchell's Cattle Ranch [Tequesquite Ranch]
Doubleday negs. (copy?)
Dick Griffith, Polly Burson, Fay Blessing, Myrtle Goodrich, Bernice Dorsey, Buff Brady, Jr.
Doubleday negs. (copy?)
Bernice Dorsey, Mary I, Faye K, Polly Burson
1983 W. H. A.
Ansel Adams at Hall-April 1977
Doubleday negs. (copy?)
Madison Square Gardens
Rodeo Hall of Fame
[Single portrait of a person and a child]
Rodeo Hall of Fame
Interior of Wantland Studio. Mr. Wantland present.
Interior of Wantland Studio. Mrs. Wantland present
I. H. Bonsall Studio
