Search results

(81 - 100 of 615)


Russ Taylor Chaps (Larry Kane)
Ruth Sproul
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Adams, display
Clark McEntire & Garcia Spurs
Ruth Sproul
Jim Shoulders - 1957 Bareback Saddle
Phil Heinen
Bob Wegner
Carolyn Colborn - Back View
Wanda Nelson
J.D. Holleyman
Tom Nesmith - Garcia Spurs
Eddy Akridge standing by Saddle
C.P. Watson  (Pose)
Eddy Akridge Pose  Full Length
Bill Coey
Don McLaughlin & Steer Roping Pruitt Trophy
Lex Connelly
Harry Charters
Shoat Webster and RCA Steer Roping Saddle & Buckle
