Search results

(17,041 - 17,060 of 17,615)


Walt Mason  (Pose)
Don Fedderson  (Pose)
[Possibly Sally Rand sitting on saddle in front of unidentified cowboy with "Cremer" chaps]
Gary & Byron Gist in Chute
Eddie Woods - Pose
Chief Joseph
Leo Moomaw  (bust)
Jim Schumacher  pose
Benny Reynolds Cooking
Tex Martin's Mare
Govenor & Dean Oliver
Todd Whatley and Jim Painter
Bob Wegner's Car
Bill Rinestine & Freckles Brown
Tex Martin's Mare
Atmosphere.  Jake & Dale Reed
Eddie Woods & John Jordon
June Ivory with horse  Pose
Joe Foss presents Spotsmanship Trophy to Mildred Harris
