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(81 - 100 of 15,695)


[Older cowboy with glasses on horseback holding child dressed in Mexican gear]
[Group of Unidentified Cowboys and Cowgirls in front of trees]
[Unidentified Cowboy with hat in hand over head on horse; trees and fence in background]
[Unidentified cowboy sitting on bumper of auto with Oklahoma '44 license]
[Young cowboy on horseback in front of pole fence]
[Group of standing & squatting cowboys in front of chutes; One cowboy on horseback in center]
[Unidentified Cowboy on horse in grass area; fence, people, and trees in background]
[Unidentified cowboy on horse]
[Six unidentified cowboys standing in front of house]
[Horse sitting on ground with a unidentified cowboy standing on horses hip and rear]
[Unidentified Cowboy holding rope loop aloft in field while atop horse]
[Group of Indian men and women in field]
[Indian woman weaving basket, decorated tipi in background]
[Three unidentified men in western attire stand behind bunting in judges' stand]
[Unidentified cowboy on Pinto horse, Corona pads]
[Unidentified Cowboy on horseback with rope in hand; Pole fence behind]
[Unidentified Cowboy on horseback holding coil of rope]
Souix Indian Squaw Dancers (Anpetu Nonpa)
[Indian Woman on horseback in front of two tipis in picnic area]
