Search results

(17,561 - 17,580 of 17,598)


Mrs. Payne
Directors, Trustees & Board Members
C.R. Boucher
On the roof of Madison Sq. Garden, New York City
Chas. & Imogene Beals, Letty & Geo. McAlister
Hoot Gibson and Paddy Ryan and the Rosevelt Trophy
Montie Reger, & Harold Cox     Wild Bunch Reunion
Group photos of former Turtle Members    Wild Bunch Reunion
Chas. & Imogene Beals, Letty & Geo. McAlister
[Possibly Mary Keen and Billie Keene]
RCA Winners in Arena
Jim Bob Altizer on horse
Jim Bob Altizer on horse
Frank Ferreira Sr, & Dan Branco
John W. Jones, Jack Roddy, & Walter Wyatt
Jim Rodriguez
Tex Austin and his cowgirls, Yankee Stadium
Tommie Kenan, Jonnie Judd, Sammie Garrett, Leonard Stroud, trick ropers
