Search results

(15,201 - 15,220 of 15,808)


Nigro family
Jerry Ambler and Trophies
Nancy Stockstill, Flag bearer
Melon Day, Rocky Ford, Colo, 1919
Deadwood Dick & Everlastingly at it put at gold discovery days Custer So. Dak.
Chas. Beals & Red Dougherty
Ki Silacci & Son  (Pose)
Ken & E.C. Roberts
John Anderson Show
Mrs. Hussey & Pat Ivory
Unidentified group of Rodeo people
Unidentified Group
Helen holding "Decoration"
Rodeo clowns gathered at barrel
[Possibly Earl Strauss with rope on trick riding saddle horn and hat in hand standing by horse]
Queen, Doc., & Festus
Grand Entry & Misc. Groups
Mitl Graham, Richard Nixon & Mel Lambert
Howard Manuel
Bob Payne & George Rundquist
