Search results

(41 - 60 of 17,175)


[Unidentified Cowboy in narrow striped pants on horse with thick mane; chutes and cowboys behind]
[Three formally attired men standing in street with people & buildings behind]
[Four Indian men in native dress sitting and kneeling in front of tipi]
[Six unidentified men, three wearing western attire, three wearing casual clothing]
[Shot of people in grandstand]
[Unidentified Cowboy with cigar stub in mouth leaning on chute gate]
[Possibly Cowgirl and Cowboy atop horses, side by side; cowgirl waving gauntleted right hand]
[Group of five unidentified cowboys on horseback, autos and trailers in background]
[Group of six Indian men standing in line]
[Hatless unidentified cowboy atop horse signing autographs surrounded by men and boys]
Unidentified group
[Unidentified Cowboy on horseback, line of automobiles in background]
[Four ladies dressed in late 19th century costumes standing in front of carriage]
[Group of sitting and standing cowboys and others all wearing "Police" armbands]
[Unidentified Cowboy with rope on saddle in front of corral]
[Cowboys and one cowgirl at barbecue spit, all holding a chunk of meat]
[Young unidentified Cowboy sitting on bench and wearing rose-print shirt, a scarf, and white hat]
[Three unidentified cowboys (possibly related) standing in front of slat fence]
