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(1 - 14 of 14)
[Unidentified Cowboy on airborne bronc]
Red Hammersmith on "Ginger" Little Rock Rodeo
Earl Strauss Doing Straight Crouper
[Cowgirl riding Saddle Bronc with Chutes, spectators and announcers booth behind her]
Vaughn Kreig on "Ranger" Little Rock Rodeo
Buster Martin Doing Shoulder Stand
Alice Sisty Making Roman Jump over Auto Little Rock Rodeo
[Possibly Alice Sisty doing Roman Stand horse jump over an auto]
Alice Sisty doing Roman Jump over auto Little Rock Rodeo
Maxine Martin Doing Cossack Drag
[Possibly Alice Sisty doing Roman Stand horse jump over an auto]
Doris Haynes on "Ranger" Little Rock Rodeo
John Burnett Leaving "No Name" Little Rock Rodeo
Arch Allen Leaving "Rocking Chair" Days of '76, Deadwood, S. D.