Search results

(81 - 100 of 1,520)


Les Johnson  informal
Wayne Vold on Astronaut
Rudy Doucette Family
Jim Houston on Teacher's Pet
Eddie Woods & Sali  at Phoenix
Bob Swaim sitting on saddle
Bo Ashorn on Mr. Johnson  (CB)
Walter KeDelle off Geritol
Buster Ivory
Bill Martinelli
Tuffy Federer on Bomber
Chas Stove & Zeke in Bull Cart
Jane Federer and Clara Boag
Bill Boag on Mighty Mouse
Clyde May
Barney Willis Steer Wrestling
Alvin Cooke off Hazard  (R)
Paschal Bignault on Ole Brindle
Rudy Doucette Family
Hazel McKenzie Barrel Racing
