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Everybody is Doing It, Even the Horses Ride at the Round-Up
Busting Bronco at the Round Up, Pendleton, Ore.
Going Some [Many mounted, running horses], Round Up, Pendleton, Oregon
Girls Relay Race, Pendleton Round-Up, 1925
"A Bad Actor," Pendleton Round Up, 1911
Riding Buffalos, 1925 Round Up, Pendleton, Ore.
Knocked Down in First Round at the Tryout, [Pendleton] Round-Up
Cowgirl Race Round Up Pendleton "Let 'er Buck"
Bertha Blanchett Winning Ladies Roman Race "Champion of the World"
Ester Motanick, Queen of the Round-Up
Tillie Baldwin at the Round Up
Bobby Burke roping, [Pendleton] Round Up 1922
'Sharkey' Famous Bucking Bull
C. E. Morton Six Feet Up on Bucking Bull, Round Up, 1914
Miss Goldie St. Clair, Champion Lady Bucking Horse Rider of the World
Everett Wilson, Friends Must Part
Blanchett Holding Steer After Being Gored
