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[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 2]
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 2]
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 1]
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 2]
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 1]
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 1]
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 2]
Chester Byers Champion Trick Roper
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 2]
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 2]
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 2]
[Trick roper, probably Leonard Stroud]
Leonard Stroud roping
Leonard Stroud fancy roping
Hank Burnell & Leonard Stroud
[Unidentified calf roper atop horse in front of flag bearers]
[Unidentified calf roper bearing down on calf]
[Unidentified calf roper dismounted in front of chutes]
[Unidentified calf roper spinning rope overhead]
