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(261 - 280 of 12,382)


[Junior Eskew spinning loop near saddled horse]
[Junior Eskew spinning a small loop]
[Possibly Junior Eskew roping a calf]
[Junior Eskew standing while spinning small loop]
Chester Byers (catch)
[Junior Eskew standing while spinning loop]
Buddy Mefford Making Horse Catch
[Possibly Junior Eskew standing on stationary horse spinning a large rope loop above himself]
[Possibly Junior Eskew standing on horse spinning a vertical rope loop in front of himself]
[Possibly Junior Eskew mounting horse while jumping through his own spinning rope loop]
Montana Jack Ray, Fancy Roper
Leonard Stroud roping
"Skeeter Bill" Robbins trick roping
[Chet Byers doing a five man catch]
Logan Jernigen Spinning Ten Ropes
[Possibly Carol Doris Williams spinning a rope in each hand]
