Search results

(181 - 200 of 12,379)


Jack Ray Spinning three ropes at one time
[Jim Hudson, calf roper, having problems with his horse]
[Junior Eskew showing proper handling of coiled rope]
[Junior Eskew standing while spinning small loop]
[Junior Eskew spinning and jumping through loop while on horse's back]
Shoat Webster
James Allen
Lewis Kinkead
[Sitting atop horse, Sam Garrett spinning loop]
[Bobby Calem doing 3-horses catch]
Jiggs Burke
[Cowboys heading and heeling]
[Junior Eskew spinning a small loop]
[Possibly Madonna Eskew jumping loop]
Randy Burchett
[Junior Eskew, age 7, spinning two ropes]
Frank Dean jumping through loop off paint horse.
[Junior Eskew showing proper handling of coiled rope]
