Search results

(21 - 40 of 271)


[Unidentified Cowboy atop stationary horse and roping a passing cowboy atop a moving horse]
[Young unidentified cowboy spinning rope loop around himself]
"Dot" Lady Champion Trick Roper, King Bro's Rodeo
[Unidentified Cowboy standing on ground throwing rope loop over passing horse and rider]
[Unidentified cowboy in arena jumping through rope loop atop stationary horse]
[Unidentified Cowboy atop horse having roped cowgirl on passing horse]
[Unidentified young Cowgirl spinning a small rope loop while encircling herself with another]
[Unidentified Trick roper on horse twirling large loop]
[Young unidentified cowboy jumping through rope loop as he spins perpendicular to the ground]
[Unidentified calf roper atop horse in front of flag bearers]
[Unidentified calf roper bearing down on calf]
[Unidentified calf roper dismounted in front of chutes]
[Unidentified calf roper spinning rope overhead]
[Unidentified calf roper completing his go round]
[Unidentified calf roper preparing to throw calf with 9 chutes in background]
[Unidentified calf roper with empty bleachers in background]
[Unidentified calf roper dismounted in front of cars and spectators]
[Unidentified calf roper approaching calf]
[Unidentified fallen Calf roper in front of line of cars and a fence of advertising]
