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(1 - 13 of 13)
[Schreyvogel studio, Schreyvogel at work]
[Schreyvogel studio, Schreyvogel at work]
[Schreyvogel studio, cavalry artifacts]
[Schreyvogel studio, rooftop painting]
Wantland's Studio, interior
Antonio Moreno in "The Veiled Mystery" a Vitagraph serial, episode 10, "A Demon's Device"
[Schreyvogel studio, Indian artifacts]
[Single portrait of a person and a child]
H. M. Wantland At the People's Gallery Makes the Best Photographs [Wantland Advertisement]
[Single portrait of a person and a child]
H. M. Wantland for Photoes [sic] West side of North Main St. [Wantland Advertisement]
I. H. Bonsall Studio