Search results

(81 - 100 of 155)


In Camp Anastasia Island
Buffalo "Lo-ho-weh-kuh"
Lying Prostrate from excitement in Ghost Dance
Comanche Killing Pawnee
Indian Lodges
Kiowa Dude
Forming Circle for Ghost Dance
Lone Soldier
Kiowas in Love with same Squaw have Agreed to Fight-Victor to have the Squaw
United States Cavalry being pursued [sic] by Kiowas
Kiowa in Search of Adventure
[Forming Circle for Ghost Dance]
Full Dressed Warrior
Two Warriors of Renown
Kiowa Cavalry Charge
Kiowa Hunting Deer
U. S. Cavalry Picket Rope to which the horses are tied while being groomed
Kiowa Lodges
Comanche Spearing Kiowa
Kiowas Wounded in Previous Fights
