Search results

(1 - 20 of 141)


Kiowa Cavalryman
Pawnee Killed and Scalped by Kiowas
Kiowa killed, scalped and [sic] staked to the ground by Comanche
Kiowa Cavalryman Ready for Charging Enemy
Pawnees Being Burned after capture by Comanches
Kiowas Killing Land Terrapin
Pawnee Fleeing from Comanche
Indian Lodges
Kiowa Lodges
Three Warriors
Buffalo Hunt
Zotom is Busy drawing on board
"An Extraordinary instrument, a joy to play." Josis M. Lauroua (?)
"The Baldwin is a truly great masterpiece." Gregor Piatigorsky
"The Baldwin, in touch as well as tone, is all that any pianist could desire." Thomas Beecham
Indian Woqua Ceremony
