Search results

(41 - 60 of 60)


Kiowa skinning Deer
Comanches on a Raiding Expedition
Comanche Spearing Kiowa
Kiowa Cavalryman
Kiowa Lodges
Kiowas on Trail of Enemy
Comanche in pursuit [sic] of Pawnees
Kiowas departing after foraging consultation
Comanche Squaw Joining Husband after he has killed a Buffalo
Indian Cavalry Pickets
Kiowa Lodges
Comanche in search of Buffalo
Kiowas representing different Foraging Parties comparing notes
Comanche killing Buffalo
Indian Cavalry Charge
Comanche Killing Pawnee
Kiowas in Love with same Squaw have Agreed to Fight-Victor to have the Squaw
[Forming Circle for Ghost Dance]
Pawnees Fighting Kiowas
