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Visiting Actors, Aggie Theatre, 9 Negs., [Ben Johnson, Harry Carey, Jr., and Stan Jones]
Visiting Actors, Aggie Theatre, 9 Negs., [Ben Johnson, Harry Carey, Jr., and Stan Jones]
Frank Rhoads & Ben Johnson
Ben Johnson and Slim Pickens
[Misc., objects]
Olin Sims - Ben Johnson Team Roping
Ben Johnson Calf Roping
Ben Johnson, Janice Scott (Devere's granddaughter) & Pat Scudder
Ben Johnson Award, Ben Johnson & unknown participants
Ben Johnson Winner of Calf Roping Contest, Wichita Falls, Tex.
Visiting Actors, Aggie Theatre, 9 Negs., [Ben Johnson, Harry Carey, Jr., and Stan Jones]
Ben Johnson Calf Roping
Ben Johnson & Ross Dollarhide
Ben Johnson Calf Roping
[Misc., objects]
Visiting Actors, Aggie Theatre: Ben Johnson, Jr., Harry Carey, Jr., and Stan Jones
