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(1 - 17 of 17)
Jack Padjan Pathe star in ticklish situation
Jack Padjan Pathe star
Jack Duane "Wings of the Storm"
Jack Padjan Pathe star shoots it out with bandit gang
Jack Duane
Jack Duane is captured by gunmen
Jack Padjan, Wally Wales, Jack Luden, Ken Maynard
Ted Wells, Tom Tyler, Edmund Codd, Fred Thompson [sic]
Jack Padjan Pathe
Jack Padjan Pathe
Jack Hoxie, Jack Padjan
Jack Padjan Pathe star lasoos [sic] the escaping desperado
Jack Padjan: five of clubs
Jack Padjan Pathe star
Lucky Horseshoe: Jack Padjan
Lucky Horseshoe: Jack Padjan
Jack Padjan