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Bob Robinson - Mel Potter all around and runner up
Mel Potter  candid
Mel Potter Calf Roping
Mel Potter, Bud King, & Jim Sholders
Mel Potter Calf roping
Mel Potter - Rip Van Winkle Team Rope
Mel Potter Calf Roping
Mel Potter & Pat Scudder
Mel Potter Calf roping
Mel Potter Calf Roping
Bob Robinson - Mel Potter all around and runner up
Mel Potter Calf Rope
Mel Potter Calf roping
Mel Potter Calf roping
Mel Potter Calf roping
Mel Potter Calf roping
Bob Robinson - Mel Potter all around and runner up
Doubleday opening 10-15-1999
Mel Potter Calf roping
Mel Potter Calf Rope