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(1 - 20 of 30)


Bulldogging, Claire Belcher, Kiowa Rodeo
Frank Smith Bulldogging Ritzville, WA
Fox Hastings only lady bulldogger, 101 Ranch
Lafe Lewman Bulldogging
Bulldogging a Hereford Steer in West Texas
South American Kid, Bulldogging
Jim Lynch bulldogging? Rocky Ford Colo.
Fox Hastings, the Only Lady Bulldogger
Missoula Stampede bulldoging [sic]
Vaqueros lazando un torro
Oklahoma Curley Bull Dogging, Wichita Falls
Frank McCarroll Bulldogging at Tex Austin's Rodeo, Yankee Stadium, New York
Frank McCarroll Bulldogging, Round-Up, Pendleton, Ore.
Bulldoging [sic] a Steer
Fox Hastings Wrestles a Steer
Dan Offett Bulldogging from Auto, Hutchinson, Kan.
Lafe Lewman Bulldogging a Texas Longhorn, [Pendleton] Round Up
Ed Wright, Bulldogging, Pendleton Round-Up
Strawberry Red bulldogging stampede New York 1916
