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(21 - 35 of 35)


Mayme Stroud trick riding
Leonard Stroud champion trick rider
Leonard Stroud champion trick rider doing shoulder stand
Mildred Douglas World Champion Lady Bronco Buster, 1918
Contestants, Tri-State Round Up, Belle Fourche, S. D.
Jack Burns Riding Buffalo, Cheyenne, Wyo.
Leonard Stroud Going Under his Horse at Full Speed
A Bad Spill at the Hutchinson Round-Up
Red Sublett leaving "Whiskey Pete" Frontier Days, Cheyenne Wyo.
Nichols Parts Company with Skyrocket, Miles City Roundup
Skyrocket versus Calgary Red
Leonard Stroud Wins the Championship of the World in Bronco Busting Contest Cheyenne Frontier Days.
Hook Em Cow
The Fast Mail of 80 Revived at the Miles City Roundup, July 4, 1918
McAllister Leaves his Partner
