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(21 - 40 of 90)


Sioux Chief, Cherry Creek, Cheyenne River River [sic] S.D. June 1899
[Sitting Indian woman with children, one hugging her from behind]
[Indians butchering cattle]
[Horse teams and wagons probably for beef issue day]
The Flume near Carson
[Indian men preparing meat for transportation on wagons]
[Bearded possible government agent standing beside elderly Indian man on boardwalk]
Pima Indians, April 1902 [Two Pima men at Agency]
[Indian man atop horse holding coiled rope with craggy cliffs behind]
[Indian man standing on snow-covered boardwalk in front building near window]
Navajo Indian, 1902
[Young Indian man standing on boardwalk by support column]
[Group of Indian men surrounding and butchering cattle]
[Indian woman handing something to possible agent with horse and carriage behind]
[Indian women sitting on ground in circle watching the butchering]
[Indian woman carrying sack of goods with her head, horse team & carriage behind]
[Nine Indians on horses behind a buckboard wagon with one standing in front]
[Flat-roofed building made of stone with bars on window, perhaps a jail]
Navajo Agency, Nov. 1902
