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(21 - 40 of 366)


Monte Montana Trick Riding & Roping Midland Empire Fair & Rodeo, Billings, Mont.
Jack Shields and "Laural Leaf" Mixing It Up, Billings, Mont.
Al Williams Leaving "Prison Bar" Billings, Mont.
Dale Garrett   #1
Jack Hughes Bulldogging - Empire Fair - Billings
Capt. Day and "the Widow Maker" Billings, Mont.
Manard Hinkle Leaving "Sad Sam" Midland Empire Fair & Rodeo
Clyde Kipp Jr.
Adolph Goodman Leaving "Salt Peter" Billings Fair & Rodeo
Wild Steer Riding Midland Empire Fair & Rodeo
Jack Swen  #1
Otis Dewey Steer Wrestle
Leonard Saye Calf Roping
Dean Oliver Calf Roping
Bulldogging Billings Fair & Rodeo
Don Toelle on Lee Ryder
Benny & John Reynolds & Bob Cullison
Jim Like on Widow Maker
Jack Fisher Leaving "Done Gone" Midland Empire Fair & Rodeo
Turk Greenough Wins Bucking Contest, Billings Fair on "Will James"
