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(21 - 40 of 2,965)


Jess Williams Bullfighter
[Unidentified clowns Bull fighting]
Skipper Voss Bull fighting with Bull #104
Rodeo clowns Papon, Taylor, & Romer Bull fighting
Geo. Doak Bull fighting with Bull #500, "Texas Red"
Rodeo clown Miles Hare Bull fighting
Slim Pickens Bull fighting
Unidentified Rodeo clowns fighting Bull Headhunter
Rodeo clown Leon Coffee Bull fighting
Jasbo and Geo. Mills Bull Fighting
Unknown Rodeo clowns Bull fighting
Unidentified Rodeo clowns Bull fighting
Unidentified Rodeo clown Bull fighting
Unidentified Rodeo clowns Bull fighting
Unidentified Rodeo clowns Bull fighting
Clowns & Buster
Rodeo clown Tommy Sheffield fighting Bull #13
Unidentified Rodeo clowns Bull fighting
Rodeo clowns Coffee, Moore, & Couch Bull fighting
Rodeo clown, Steve Boger, Bull fighting Bull #33
