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(21 - 40 of 75)


[Group of men in traditional clothing]
Bilder aus dem Munchner leben, No. 2
Mir san mir!
[Two children kiss in traditional clothing]
Gruss vom mathaser Munchen
Munchen. Haus der Deutschen kunst
Mir wann oaner sog'n tat, dass  I a preisss bi!
[Traditional Bavarian dancing]
Alt Rothenburg, der meistertrunk, abkochen
Alt Rothenburg, der meistertrunk, wache am rodertor
[Procession in traditional clothing]
Gel' da schleckst!
[Traditional Bavarian costume, instrument and weapon]
[Man in comic clothing with horse]
Auf der alm: auftrieb
[German woman poses with cow]
Oswolt krel
Frauentag in birkenstein
[Large group of people gathered in the street]
Alt Rothenburg, der meistertrunk, feldlager
