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(21 - 40 of 137)


[Unidentified Woman in formal attire presenting buckle & shaking hands with unidentified cowboy]
Pete Crump on Detour
B. Gwaltney off Pinto Pete
Bill Felkner on Tomaine  Joe
Lloyd Workman on "Little Strawberry Roan" Livingston Round-Up
Bill Pierce on Big Snake
Phil Emery Leaving "Sol Frank" Livingston Round-Up
[Jackie Cooper riding Headlights]
Lawrence Chapel on Ismay
Alvin Gordon on "Smoky" Livingston Round-up
Jim Carrig down on Yellowstone
Frank Van Meter Leaving "Barrelhead" Livingston Rodeo
Tex Smith Steer Wrestle
Cecil Bedford on "Badger Mountain" Livingston Round-Up
Art Fisher leaving Brown Bomber
Ernest Emory on "Grave Digger" Livingston Rodeo
James Baustadt on Sun River
Bob Drew off Whirlaway
Jeanne Godshall -Posed-Livingston - By Helen
Missoula Sheriff's Posse
