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(21 - 40 of 48)


Hannan on S. L. Roan Miles City Roundup Bareback 2
Big Horn hunting scene #22
Leonard Stroud champion trick rider of the world
"Pinkey," the Bareback Riding Kid
Howard Tegland, Miles City Round-Up
Old Time Cowboy
#8 Lynch Bull Dogging
Calgary Red on Skyrocket
Patterson on 'Fan Tail'
MacDonald Takes a Joy Ride
Tegland makes a good ride, Bozeman, Aug 5-6-7
Nichols Parts Company with Skyrocket, Miles City Roundup
Paddy Ryan on Spat, Miles City, Mont
Riding the wild bull, Miles City round-up 1915
Fun on a steer, Miles City round-up 1914
The Fast Mail of 80 Revived at the Miles City Roundup, July 4, 1918
Sam Covington
Miss Carter before horse fell, Miles City Round-up 1915
