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(21 - 40 of 188)


View from grounds of Fort Wm. Henry, Lake George, N.Y.
Madison Square Garden Rodeo far-L Fog Horn Clancy, far-R "Uncle" Herb Maddy
Red Sublett, N.Y. rodeo, Mad. Sq. Garden
Fritz Truan takes time out for a dance, Madison Square Garden Rodeo
Sheep Raising, an extensive industry in Northern Arizona
Paddy Ryan Bulldogging Tex Austins Rodeo, Yankee Stadium, New York
Madison Square Garden Rodeo 1930's The boys are the McGlaughlin Brothers
Paddy Ryan on 'Romeo' Tex Austins Rodeo, Yankee Stadium, New York
Grand Canyon of Arizona: Through the Stereoscope
Among the buttes, Red Canyon Trail, Grand Canyon of Arizona
Theresa Newcomb [Actress dressed as Mexican cowgirl with pistol]
Shoeing a broncho
Two Thousand feet below the rim, Red Canyon Trail, Grand Canyon of Arizona
