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(21 - 40 of 263)


1978 W. H. A.
[Unknown ceremony or awards presentation]
[Unknown customed ceremonial presentations]
N. A. W. A. 1978
[Unknown customed ceremonial presentations]
N. A. W. A. 1978
1978 W. H. A.
1978 W. H. A.
Watching Ceremony of Raising Sun Lodge
Blackfeet Indians preparing for medicine lodge ceremony. Glacier National Park, Mont.
N. A. W. A. 1978
1978 W. H. A.
1978 W. H. A.
N. A. W. A. 1978
N. A. W. A. 1978
N. A. W. A. 1978
Trustee Awards June 1977
Trustee Awards June 1977
N. A. W. A. 1978
Trustee Awards June 1977
