Search results

(21 - 40 of 1,596)


Dog and Pony
Dave Mason on Johnny Zero
Bill Linderman (Posed)
Snipper W  -  Don Dodge  Greene Cattle Co.
Gene Rambo on MB Bull #14
Casey Tibbs - Bill Weeks - Harry Tompkins
Clark Maddox on Miss Hush
George Lowe off Rocket
St Croy's at Table
Gene Mills off Pauline
Bob Wilkinson on 2B
Buster Ivory on P.D.Q.
Bob Hoffman on Piute
Bud Linderman on Lookout
Betty Saylors Hip Stand
Linda Rosser Barrel Racing
D.Harrington on Snuffy Smith  (R)
Bob Hare Steer Wrestling
John W. Jones Calf Roping
Milton Taylor off Short Fuse
